The Climate Change Guide

Are you worried about climate change and the impact it has on your family, your environment – your health? Learning about the true impact of our relationship with the planet can be difficult – there's so much information and disinformation out there, it can be hard to know where to start. 

My aim on this website is to provide you not only with information about the climate, but how we can each individually, and collectively as a community, have an impact on challenging the impact. For over a decade, the Climate Change Guide has provided easy to understand content on mankind's greatest challenge. As a whole, climate change is a very complex topic as it literally affects the whole planet but this website breaks it down into different sections that simplifies it.

You can use the search button on the top right or use the site navigation (on top) to find what you are looking for. I recommend looking at Climate Change Basics. For instance, you can read an overview of climate change.

You should also look at the image links below on the different sections of the website.

Beyond educating yourself, consider how your personal actions can contribute to the larger fight against climate change. Simple steps, like reducing waste, conserving water, and using energy-efficient appliances, can collectively make a significant impact.

Learn the Basics About Climate Change

Is it Really Happening?

Fun Facts

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Created by Laurent Cousineau

This website was created by me, Laurent Cousineau, back in 2011. The goal of this website is to spread awareness about climate change to as many people as people in the most efficient way possible.

I am always looking forward to hearing about how my website can be improved and will do my best to update the information within as well as to dramatically improve the quality of the website overall. I am only one person, but I can do my best to help spread awareness. I think we will ultimately be judged by what we have done during our lives to tackle the most important issues facing humanity. When the human civilization was on a path to complete self-destruction, did we just stand there and let it happen or did we do a lot to try to prevent the extinction of our own species? If humanity destroys itself because of climate change inaction and climate change denial, it will also cause over 1 million species to also go extinct. We have a responsibility to do what we can to improve our world and try to make it better than it was before.

Let us do what we can to spread awareness and to urge our governments, companies and organizations to take the climate crisis seriously. It's crucial to understand that it is society that will solve this issue and not something just left to the individual. One person changing their lightbulb will not solve climate change, but governments around the world enacting serious laws to make their societies carbon neutral quickly will save the lives of millions, if not billions. Many years ago, many people were told it was just the responsibility of the individual but we must wake up and realize it is society as whole that needs to act.

Additionally, one of the most impactful actions individuals can take is to transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar power. Not only does going solar significantly reduce your carbon footprint, but it also supports the broader shift towards sustainable energy infrastructure.

Thank you for visiting my website and for your continued support in spreading awareness about climate change. Your engagement and actions make a difference, and together, we can drive the change needed to secure a sustainable and thriving future for all. Let's work collectively to advocate for stronger climate policies, embrace renewable energy solutions, and inspire others to join us in this critical journey.

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If you live in the United States and want to go solar, now is your chance! Visit Powur

Also, more importantly, you could become an ambassador for Powur and earn $1000 per successful referral. This is a fantastic opportunity to help the environment by helping your bottom line.

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If you become an ambassador for solar power, you have three incredible incentives:

  • Help yourself by earning $1000 each time you successfully refer someone to solar
  • Help create a better world for the next generation
  • Help fund the Climate Change Guide, which will continue to spread awareness about climate change. We have been spreading awareness since 2011 to millions of people from nearly 200 countries.

Moreover, you can become a solar professional like me by joining Powur. Take your Powur back!

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